Weekly Update

TradFI and Crypto models continue to sit on CASH.

No change in view than what was mentioned in the last few updates.

going into cash does not mean it's gloom and doom.

at this point is hard to say if we would just get a sideways time correction, deep flush, or both.

invalidation would be if BTC closes above 44K and SOL above 106

will send out updates as things progress or if there's a reversal.

from a big-picture standpoint,

36K region remains strong support for now and is a good place to add to core positions.

will also send out some LTF plays this week if we get some uptrend confirmations.

Thank you to those who have sent in their ideas and suggestions for the indicator enhancements.

Currently, the enhancements are in the testing phase. will push the update once it's finished and send a note.

Here's how the indicator is performing on some of the majors.

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