Web3Quant #2

Weekly Update  - 23 May 2022

If you haven't already then check out the performance page where I have published the model's performance on BTC, ETH, SOL, LUNA, AVAX, MATIC, ADA, DOGE, SHIBA, DOT, AXS, and SAND from Jan 2020 to 13 May 2022.

TL;DR - Model is still sitting on 100% cash and is bullish on Bitcoin Dominance.
NO NEW signals have been generated. Below are the updated charts on top cryptos.

NOTE: Current sentiment is really bad and crypto is trading at oversold levels. Last 8 weeks of RED. A sharp counter-trend rally shouldn't really be surprising, if there is one. Please remember the model ignores the short-term price volatility and noise and is NOT designed to catch pico tops or bottoms. It goes long after a strong uptrend is established and by that time the asset is usually up 20-30% from the lowest lows.

Bitcoin $BTC #Bitcoin
Ethereum $ETH #Ethereum
Solana $SOL #SOL #Solana
#Cardano $ADA #ADA #Cardano
$Avax #Avalanche #Avax
#Doge #Dogecoin $Doge
$DOT #Dot #Polkadot

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