new meme play

from market update perspective no change in stance

coming to memes.

i have been writing about meme trenches getting harder and harder for folks to make money for a while now. think now finally we are seeing consensus on that from others too.

out of the 16K tokens launched on pump fun per day only 0.12% are even hitting raydium dex. with those odds its getting brutal out there.

one beneficiary of this move is established memes that have already hit escape velocity and have community momentum.

from our conviction picks no change but I am also conscious of not having way too many plays and spread thin.

will keep it below 10. and also support the existing communities.

if you are in any of the memes as a core play its really important that you organically do that too.

for those who are only interested in trading them in and out can use the W3Q indicator.

WIF POPCAT BILLY SELFIE AURA FWOG continue to be core plays.

billy selfie has had a negative price action but in terms of community it is still maintaining momentum so no change in thought process.

todays pick is WRAPPED DOG aka wDOG.


apart from it fitting our usual criteria of relatable, universal and part of the dog, cats and culture category.

theres an interesting story developing here.

this coin has no central team managing it. no telegram, no insiders, no KOLs nothing.

yet its managed to get to 12k holders just within 7 days and got so many exchange listings.

doesnt happen often.

this kind of origin story is always powerful.

it also had a 80% drawdown and made a new all time high even during such market conditions.

this is something i always look for, it ensures the coin has durable momentum after initial hype.

when market momentum is back this one could really surprise.

as always all memes are zero or hero plays. play them accordingly.

see you in the next one.

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