buy the dip szn!

No change in the big picture views

Lets do both crypto and tradfi trend model positions first

There are no new entries. 5 exits.

No change in view then what was mentioned above in the update when BTC was at 73K

there are multiple ways to play this. if one is fully allocated in their core picks then doing nothing makes sense.

if one is looking to add then

buying some at support levels or buying the LTF breakout would make sense.

Here's how the indicator has performed on LTF 30 min.

BTC 30min timeframe
ETH on 30min timeframe

Those trading LTF on 30min would have gotten last BTC and ETH sell around 72k & 4K respectively which has played out pretty well

Among the alts PRIME and FTM have done really well and continue to look good

prime on 4h timeframe
ftm on 4h timeframe

coming to macro the only fly in the ointment is the USD.

Markets got spooked with the BOJ announcement today and are nervous going into FOMC.

We will be closely monitoring this one.

you know whats more bullish than a breakout? a false breakdown.

ideally, we want to see DXY fake out and flip back into the red.

Crypto stocks

no change from what was mentioned previously.

CLSK MARA GLXY COIN KR1 are the cycle picks and are looking good.

for short-term trading, you can use the web3quant indicator on those.


No change in view than what was mentioned in the previous updates around liquidity and mainstream attention

among the meme picks


continues to get attention and their trading volume is consistently high.

this is what Zerohedge (which has 1.8 million followers just on Twitter) covered today

When the next leg in the uptrend kicks in these are likely to do well.

Dont miss the forest for the trees

See you in the next update.

** Web3Quant is not registered with any financial regulatory agencies. Web3Quant content is purely for research, education, and entertainment purposes and should NOT be considered personalized financial advice. Do your own research and consult your financial advisor.**

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