
What is Web3Quant and What do I get?

Set of 3 Quant-based tradingview indicators for Positional Swing and Scalping (leverage) trades.

As part of the annual subscription you get access to All 3 indicators.

Newsletter market updates are FREE to all.

How do I get access?

Web3Quant is migrating from the existing to a new platform.

Till its complete only crypto payments are accepted for both new subscribers and existing ones who wish to renew.

Price remains the same. 2499/year.

payment can be made in stablecoins. address will be provided upon request.

send an email to the admin support mailbox

newsletterqueryglobal@gmail.com with your tradingview username.

Does it work on free tradingview account?


Can I get a Trial period? or Refunds or Monthly sub?

NO, NO & NO.

Can I ask Q&A with W3Q? or get access to a discord or telegram group?

NO. only access to indicators are given as part of the sub.

Can I get access to the code? or make it into a strategy for backtesting?